Are you ready for an adventure? Because if you’re considering immigrating to Quebec, get ready to embark on a journey unlike any other. With its stunning natural landscapes, vibrant cities, and diverse population, Quebec offers an exceptional experience for those seeking a new home.

But how do you make your dream of living in Quebec a reality? With so many immigration programs and requirements to navigate, it can be overwhelming. Whether you’re an experienced professional, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a student seeking a top-notch education, Quebec has a program that could be perfect for you.

This guide helps you explore the different immigration options and provide the information you need to make an informed decision. So let’s get started and discover how you can make Quebec your new home sweet home!

Why Choose Quebec?

Quebec is a province that has a lot to offer to newcomers and immigrants. It is known for its vibrant culture, diverse population, and natural beauty. There are many reasons why people choose Quebec as their new home, including:


Quebec is a genuinely bilingual province, with French as its official language and English widely spoken. This creates a unique cultural experience for newcomers and immigrants, where they can learn both languages and fully immerse themselves in Quebec’s rich culture.

Quebec’s language laws also protect the French language and culture, making it an ideal destination for Francophones seeking to maintain their language and cultural heritage.

High Quality of Life

Quebec has a high quality of life, affordable housing, excellent healthcare, and a robust social safety net. The province’s publicly funded healthcare system provides comprehensive coverage for all residents. 

The cost of living in Quebec is also lower than in many other major Canadian cities, making it an affordable option for those looking to start a new life.

Strong Economy

Quebec has a diverse and dynamic economy, with major industries including aerospace, technology, and manufacturing. It is also home to many international companies, providing ample job opportunities for skilled professionals and tradespeople.

 The province’s economic policies and programs are designed to attract and retain top talent, making it an excellent destination for entrepreneurs and skilled workers.


Quebec has a world-renowned education system, with many top-ranked universities and colleges. The province also has a robust network of vocational and technical schools, providing trades and other skills training. 

Quebec’s education system is publicly funded and offers affordable tuition rates for international students. In addition, many programs and scholarships are available to help students achieve their academic and career goals.

Natural Beauty

Quebec is a province of stunning natural beauty, with diverse landscapes that include mountains, forests, lakes, and rivers. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy various activities, such as skiing, snowboarding, hiking, camping, and kayaking. 

The province also has many parks and wilderness areas that offer wildlife viewing and outdoor recreation opportunities.

certificat immigration

Progressive Policies

Quebec is known for its progressive medical care, education, and social services policies. The province is committed to promoting social justice and equality with policies that support gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmental sustainability. 

These policies make Quebec an attractive destination for people who share these values and want to live in a progressive and inclusive society.

Food and Cuisine

Quebec is known for its delicious and unique cuisine, which combines French and North American influences. Quebec’s famous dishes include poutine, tourtière, and smoked meat sandwiches.

 The province also has a thriving food scene, with many restaurants, cafes, and markets that feature local and seasonal ingredients.

Festivals and Events

Quebec is home to festivals and events throughout the year, showcasing the province’s culture, arts, and traditions. 

Some popular festivals include the Montreal International Jazz Festival, the Quebec Winter Carnival, and the Just for Laughs comedy festival. These events attract visitors from around the world and create a festive and exciting atmosphere.


Quebec is a safe and secure place to live, with low crime rates and a solid commitment to public safety. The province’s police forces and emergency services are highly trained and responsive, providing peace of mind to residents and visitors alike.

Across-the-board, Quebec offers many attractions and benefits for newcomers and immigrants. Its diversity, progressive policies, food and cuisine, festivals and events, and safety make Quebec an excellent destination for those seeking a new home.

What’s The Immigration Program in Quebec?

The immigration program in Quebec is a set of programs designed to attract and retain skilled immigrants who can contribute to the province’s economic and social development. The Quebec government administers the programs in partnership with the federal government of Canada.

The Quebec immigration program is unique in that it has its selection criteria and application process separate from the federal skilled worker program. This means that applicants who wish to immigrate to Quebec must meet both Quebec’s and Canada’s immigration requirements.

  • Quebec Skilled Worker Program
  • Quebec Experience Program 
  • Quebec Entrepreneur Program
  • Quebec Investor Program
  • Quebec Self-Employed

In addition to these programs, there are also programs for family sponsorship, refugee resettlement, and other particular circumstances.

The Quebec immigration program offers many benefits to individuals who wish to move to Quebec. It provides:

  • A clear path to permanent residency and Canadian citizenship.
  • Access to high-quality education and healthcare.
  • Opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.

The program also supports Quebec’s economic growth and cultural diversity by attracting skilled immigrants who can contribute to the province’s development.

Certificat De Sélection du Québec 

The Certificat de sélection du Québec is an approval given by the Quebec government that allows individuals to apply for Canadian permanent residency under the Quebec-selected skilled worker program.

To be eligible for a CSQ, individuals must meet the Quebec Skilled Worker Program eligibility criteria. This includes having a minimum score on the QSWP points grid, which considers factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability.

Applicants must also demonstrate an intention to settle in Quebec and meet the requirements for language proficiency in either French or English.

The certificate is issued to successful applicants selected to apply for permanent residency in Quebec. The CSQ is valid for 24 months from the issue date and can be extended in certain circumstances.

To obtain a CSQ, applicants must first apply to the Quebec government through the Mon projet Québec online system. The application process involves several stages, including creating a profile, submitting an expression of interest, receiving an invitation to apply, and submitting a complete application.

Once an individual has been selected to apply for permanent residency in Quebec, they must then apply to the federal government of Canada for permanent residence.

The federal government will assess the applicant’s admissibility to Canada, including security, health, and criminality.

Quebec Skilled Worker Program

The Quebec Skilled Worker Program is a popular immigration program designed to attract skilled workers who can contribute to Quebec’s economy and society. The program is designed for individuals with the necessary skills, education, and work experience to integrate into Quebec’s labour market and society.

To be eligible for the QSWP, applicants must meet specific criteria. They must have at least one year of experience in a skilled occupation, meet the minimum language proficiency requirements in French or English, and have a certain level of education.

Applicants are assessed based on a points system, which considers various factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability. The points system assesses an applicant’s ability to integrate into Quebec’s society and contribute to its economy.

Applicants who meet the minimum points required for selection will receive a Quebec Selection Certificate from the Quebec government. The CSQ is an important document that allows the applicant to apply for permanent residency in Canada.

Once the applicant has received their CSQ, they must apply to the federal government of Canada for permanent residence. The federal government will assess the applicant’s admissibility to Canada, including security, health, and criminality.

The QSWP has several advantages for applicants:

  1. It provides a clear pathway to permanent residency in Canada, which allows the applicant to live and work in Canada indefinitely.
  2. It provides access to high-quality healthcare, education, and social services.
  3. It will enable applicants to integrate into Quebec’s society and contribute to its economy.

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Quebec Self Assessment Tool

The Quebec Self-Assessment Tool is an online tool that allows individuals to assess their eligibility for the Quebec Skilled Worker Program. The device is available on the website of the Government of Quebec and is free to use.

The self-assessment tool asks about the applicant’s personal information, education, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors.

Based on the answers provided, the tool calculates the applicant’s score on the QSWP points grid and determines whether the applicant meets the minimum eligibility requirements for the program.

The self-assessment tool is valuable for individuals considering applying for the QSWP. It provides a clear understanding of the eligibility requirements for the program and can help individuals determine whether they are likely to be successful in their application.

However, it is essential to note that the self-assessment tool does not guarantee eligibility. The tool provides a preliminary assessment of eligibility based on the information provided, but the Quebec government makes the final decision on eligibility based on a complete application.

Applicants must meet special education, training, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability criteria to qualify for the Quebec Skilled Worker Program. Here are the details about the eligibility assessments for the QSWP:


The Quebec Skilled Worker Program uses a points system to evaluate the eligibility of applicants based on various factors, such as their education, work experience, language proficiency, age, and other factors.

 To be eligible for the QSWP, applicants must score at least 50 points if they are single and 59 points if they apply with a spouse or common-law partner. 

However, meeting the minimum points requirement does not guarantee acceptance into the program, as the Quebec government sets an annual cap on the number of applications accepted.


The skilled occupation must be listed in Quebec’s National Occupational Classification system, which categorizes works based on their skill level and type.

 Applicants must have work experience in a skilled occupation under NOC skill type 0, A, or B. Examples of skilled trades include engineers, software developers, and accountants.


Applicants who obtained their education outside of Canada must have their credentials evaluated by a designated organization to ensure they are equivalent to a Quebec diploma. This evaluation process can take several months and may require additional documentation.


Applicants over 35 can still apply for the QSWP but will receive fewer points in the age category. Applicants over 42 may have a more challenging time accepting into the program due to their lower points.

Language Proficiency

The Quebec government recognizes several language proficiency tests, including the Test d’évaluation de français and the International English Language Testing System.

Applicants must achieve a minimum threshold score in each language to qualify for the QSWP. Applicants who score higher than the threshold may receive additional points in the language proficiency category.

Quebec Connection

Applicants with previous work experience or education in Quebec may be eligible for additional points in this category. Applicants who have completed a program of study in Quebec, have worked in Quebec, or have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Quebec may be eligible for additional points.

Spouse’s Profile

If an applicant has a spouse or common-law partner who will also be accompanying them to Quebec, their profile will also be assessed. The spouse’s education, language proficiency, and work experience will be considered.

 If the spouse meets the eligibility criteria for the QSWP, their profile may also contribute to the overall points total.

Job Offer

While a job offer is not required to apply for the QSWP, having a valid job offer from a Quebec employer can significantly increase an applicant’s chances of acceptance.

 The job offer must be for a skilled occupation and meet specific criteria, such as offering competitive wages and being in a field in demand in Quebec.


If an applicant has dependent children accompanying them to Quebec, their profile will also be assessed. Points may be awarded based on the children’s age, language proficiency, and education level.

 Applicants with children who have completed their education in Quebec or enrolled in a Quebec educational institution may also be eligible for additional points.

Financial Autonomy

Applicants must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their family members in Quebec for at least the first three months after their arrival. The minimum amount required depends on the size of the family and is adjusted annually.

Applicants must also have a plan for their financial autonomy once they arrive in Quebec, such as having a job offer, starting a business, or having sufficient savings to support themselves.

The amount of funds required depends on the number of family members accompanying the applicant and is updated annually.

For 2022, the minimum settlement funds required for a single person is CAD 3,254, and an additional CAD 1,577 is needed for each accompanying family member. For example, a family of four (two adults and two children) would need proof of CAD 8,965 in settlement funds.

These funds are meant to cover the costs of accommodation, food, and other basic needs during the initial settlement period in Quebec. It is important to note that these funds are in addition to any required funds for application fees, travel expenses, and other related costs.

Applicants can provide proof of settlement funds through various means, such as bank statements, investment portfolios, or letters of support from financial institutions. The funds must be readily available and easily transferable to Canada.

FactorPoints AwardedDescription
EducationUp to 14 pointsEducation level and training area determine the points awarded. Degrees in the Quebec-demand regions receive the highest points.
Work ExperienceUp to 8 pointsPoints are allocated based on the number of years of full-time work experience in a skilled occupation. The highest points are awarded for 6 or more years of experience.
Language ProficiencyUp to 22 pointsPoints are determined based on the proficiency in French and English. Applicants must take a language proficiency test recognized by the Quebec government. 
AgeUp to 16 pointsPoints are assigned based on the applicant’s age. The highest points are awarded to applicants between 18 and 35.
Stay, and Family in QuebecUp to 8 pointsFactors such as previous stays in Quebec, family ties, and French knowledge affect points. A spouse or parent living in Quebec receives the highest points.
Financial Self-SufficiencyUp to 1 pointPoints are granted for financial self-sufficiency. Applicants must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their family during their stay in Quebec.

Processing Fee

Like most immigration programs, the Quebec immigration programs require applicants to pay application processing fees. These fees cover processing and assessing applications and providing support services to applicants.

The processing fees for Quebec immigration programs vary depending on the specific program and the number of family members included in the application. 

For example, as of 2022, the Quebec Skilled Worker Program processing fee is CAD 864 for the primary applicant, with an additional fee of CAD 176 for each accompanying family member.

In addition to the processing fees, applicants may also be required to pay additional fees for language tests, medical exams, and police certificates, among other things.

Despite the fact that an application may be rejected, withdrawn, or withdrawn, the processing fee is not refundable. Therefore, it is vital for applicants to carefully review the eligibility requirements and ensure that they meet all criteria before submitting their application and paying the processing fees.

Applicants can pay the processing fees online using a credit card or by making a bank transfer. It is important to keep proof of payment for future reference and to include it with the application.

How To Apply

Applying for the QSW Program involves several steps. Here is a general overview of the application process:

Determine eligibility: Before applying, reviewing the eligibility requirements for the QSWP. This includes meeting the minimum points requirement based on education, work experience, language proficiency, and age.

Submit an Expression of Interest: Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements can submit an Expression of Interest through the Arrima platform, which is the online portal used by Quebec’s immigration authorities to manage applications.

Receive an Invitation to Apply: Based on the information provided in the EOI, candidates may receive an Invitation to Apply from Quebec’s immigration authorities. The ITA will include instructions on how to apply for the QSWP.

Complete the application: Applicants must complete the QSWP application form and provide supporting documents, such as educational transcripts, language test results, work experience letters, and other relevant documents. They must also provide proof of settlement funds and pay the processing fees.

Submit the application: Once complete, it can be submitted through the Arrima platform. Ensuring all required documents are included, and the application is submitted before the deadline is vital.

Attend an interview (if required): Some applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. This will be indicated in the ITA.

Receive a decision: Quebec’s immigration authorities will review the application and decide based on the eligibility requirements and other factors.

If the application is approved, the applicant will receive a Certificat de sélection du Québec, a document confirming that they have been selected to immigrate to Quebec. The applicant can then use the CSQ to apply for a permanent residence visa from the Canadian federal government.

There may be changes to the application process and requirements in the future. It is recommended that applicants consult the official Quebec immigration website for the most up-to-date information and guidance.

Quebec Experience Program 

The Quebec Experience Program is designed for individuals who have already completed their studies or have acquired work experience in Quebec.

This program is ideal for those with a good knowledge of French and who have already established themselves in Quebec, as it offers a faster route to permanent residency. The PEQ is divided into the Quebec Graduate and Quebec Experience streams.

The Quebec Graduate stream is designed for international students who have graduated from a Quebec educational institution and wish to remain in Quebec to work and settle. 

The Quebec Experience stream, on the other hand, is designed for temporary foreign workers who have been working in Quebec for at least one year in a skilled occupation.

To be eligible for the PEQ, applicants must meet specific criteria. For the Quebec Graduate stream, applicants must have graduated from a recognized Quebec educational institution in the last 36 months and have a good knowledge of French.

 For the Quebec Experience stream, applicants must have at least 12 months of full-time work experience in Quebec in a skilled occupation and a good knowledge of French.

The PEQ has several advantages over other immigration programs in Quebec. One of the main advantages is the processing time. Applicants can expect to receive a decision on their application within 20 business days of submission. 

This is much faster than other immigration programs in Quebec, which can take several months or even years to process.

Another advantage of the PEQ is that it does not require applicants to undergo a points-based assessment. 

This means applicants can meet specific points based on education, work experience, and language proficiency. Instead, the PEQ focuses on factors such as work experience in Quebec and knowledge of French.

To apply for the PEQ, applicants must submit an application package to the Quebec government. The package must include documents such as a diploma or degree, a language proficiency test, and proof of work experience in Quebec. Applicants must also pay a processing fee currently CAD 798.

Quebec Investor Program

The Quebec Investor Program is a popular immigration pathway for high-net-worth individuals who wish to invest and settle in Quebec, Canada. It is a part of the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, designed to attract experienced businesspeople and investors worldwide.

To be eligible for the QIP, applicants must have a net worth of at least CAD 2 million and have acquired the net worth legally, with proof to support their claim. 

They must also have at least two years of management experience in the last five years before submitting their application.

One of the main requirements of the QIP is that the applicant must make a non-refundable investment of CAD 1.2 million in a prescribed investment program for five years.

 The Quebec government guarantees the acquisition will be returned to the applicant at the end of the five years without interest.

In addition to the investment, the QIP requires applicants to undergo a language proficiency test in either English or French. They must demonstrate a minimum proficiency level of CLB 5 in French or NCLC 5 in English.

Another critical aspect of the QIP is that applicants are not required to have a job offer in Quebec. However, they must intend to settle in Quebec and undergo a medical examination to ensure good health.

The application process for the QIP involves several stages, including submitting a preliminary application, paying the required fees, and providing supporting documents. 

Applicants who meet the prior requirements will be invited to submit a complete application, which will then be assessed based on a points system that considers factors such as the applicant’s net worth, investment, management experience, and language proficiency.

Quebec Entrepreneur Program

The Quebec Entrepreneur Program is an immigration pathway for experienced businesspeople who wish to start or acquire a business in Quebec, Canada. It is designed to attract entrepreneurs with the skills and experience to contribute to Quebec’s economy and create jobs for Canadians.

To be eligible for the QEP, applicants must have a net worth of at least CAD 300,000, which must have been acquired legally. They must also have at least two years of experience running a business in the last five years before submitting their application.

One of the main requirements of the QEP is that the applicant must start or acquire a business in Quebec that will create at least one full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. 

The company must also meet specific eligibility criteria, such as being in a priority industry for Quebec or having the potential to create significant economic benefits for the province.

Along with the business requirements, applicants must also take an English or French language proficiency test. French or English CLB 5 proficiency is required.

Another critical aspect of the QEP is that applicants are not required to have a job offer in Quebec. However, they must demonstrate sufficient settlement funds to support themselves and their family for at least the first year of their stay in Quebec.

Quebec Self-Employed

The Quebec Self-Employed Program is an immigration pathway for individuals who wish to immigrate to Quebec and become self-employed in their businesses. 

This program is designed for individuals with relevant experience in arts, culture, or athletics who can demonstrate that their business will contribute to Quebec’s cultural or sporting landscape.

To be eligible for the Quebec Self-Employed Program, applicants must have relevant experience in arts, culture, or athletics. They must also have the intention and ability to create employment by establishing or acquiring a business in Quebec.

 Additionally, they must demonstrate that their business will contribute to Quebec’s cultural or sporting landscape. Applicants to the Quebec Self-Employed Program must also meet specific eligibility criteria for education, language proficiency, and financial requirements. 

They must have a high school diploma or equivalent and demonstrate a minimum proficiency level in either French or English. They must also have sufficient settlement funds to support themselves and their family during their stay in Quebec.

Certificat d’acceptation du Québec 

The Certificat d’acceptation du Québec document that international students and temporary foreign workers must obtain before applying for a study or work permit in Quebec. 

The Quebec government issues the CAQ, confirming that the individual has been accepted by a Quebec educational institution or has received a job offer from a Quebec employer.

The CAQ is mandatory for anyone wishing to study or work in Quebec. To be eligible for a CAQ, applicants must meet specific requirements, which vary depending on the type of permit they are applying for.

 For example, international students must first receive an acceptance letter from a recognized educational institution in Quebec. In contrast, temporary foreign workers must first obtain a job offer from a Quebec employer.

The application process for a CAQ can be completed online or by mail. Applicants will need to provide information about their personal and professional background, as well as supporting documents such as a passport, proof of financial support, and proof of acceptance from an educational institution or job offer from a Quebec employer.

Once the application is submitted, it can take several weeks for the CAQ to be issued. Applicants should also be aware that a CAQ does not guarantee the issuance of a study or work permit, as these are separate processes with their requirements.

What Are The Quebec Entry Requirements?

To enter Quebec as an immigrant, specific requirements must be met. These requirements vary depending on the immigration program you are applying for. Still, some of the general entry requirements for Quebec include the following:

Valid Passport: You must have a valid passport to enter Quebec. Ensure your passport has at least six months remaining validity from the entry date.

Visa: You may need access to Canada, depending on your country of origin. If you are eligible for an electronic travel authorization, you may be able to enter Canada without a visa. However, you must apply for a visitor visa if you do not qualify for an eTA.

Medical Examination: As part of the immigration process, you may be required to undergo a medical examination. The medical examination ensures that you are not a health risk to others in Canada. You will need to experience the medical examination from an approved panel physician.

Police Clearance Certificate: As part of the immigration process, you must also provide a police clearance certificate from all countries where you have lived for more than six months in the past 10 years. The police clearance certificate is to ensure that you do not have any criminal record.

Proof of Funds: You must provide sufficient funds to support yourself and your family in Quebec. The amount of funds required depends on the size of your family and the number of family members who are immigrating with you.

Language Proficiency: To qualify for specific Quebec immigration programs, you may need to demonstrate proficiency in French or English. You may be required to take a language proficiency test to verify your language skills.

Education Credential Assessment: If you are applying for specific Quebec immigration programs, you must have your educational credentials assessed by a designated organization. The assessment ensures that your education credentials are equivalent to a Quebec diploma or degree.

Job Offer: If you are applying for the regular Skilled Worker Program, having a valid job offer from a Quebec employer can increase your chances of being accepted. The job offer must be in a skilled occupation and meet specific requirements.


Can I Immigrate to Quebec without a Job Offer?

Yes, it is possible to immigrate to Quebec without a job offer. Quebec has its immigration program, the Quebec Skilled Worker Program, designed for skilled workers who wish to live and work in Quebec. 

Under this program, applicants are assessed based on a points-based system that considers various factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors that indicate an ability to establish oneself in Quebec successfully.

Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and score enough points in the selection grid are invited to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate, a document confirming that Quebec has selected the applicant to immigrate to the province.

Once the CSQ is obtained, the applicant can apply for Canadian permanent residence through the federal government.

While a job offer is not required for the QSWP, having one can increase an applicant’s chances of being selected, as it can earn additional points in the selection grid.

How to Get Quebec Residency?

If you’re looking to become a Quebec resident, it’s essential to understand the various requirements and circumstances that can lead to residency status.

One of the most straightforward ways to be considered a Quebec resident is to have been born in the province. If this is the case, you are automatically eligible for Quebec residency and can apply for necessary documentation accordingly.

Alternatively, having a parent or sponsor who is a Quebec resident can also make you eligible for residency status. This means that if one of your parents is a resident of Quebec or if you have a sponsor who resides in the province, you may be able to obtain Quebec residency as a result.

Another option is to obtain a Certificat de sélection du Québec (Quebec Selection Certificate), which is a document that confirms that Quebec has selected you to immigrate to the province

While these are some of the most common pathways to Quebec residency, other options may be available depending on your unique circumstances and qualifications.

Final Thoughts

Quebec offers a range of immigration programs to attract skilled workers, entrepreneurs, investors, students, and other individuals who wish to live and work in the province. Many opportunities are available, whether you want to obtain permanent residency, start a business, or further your education.

From the Quebec Skilled Worker Program to the Quebec Experience Program, there are a variety of pathways to Quebec residency, each with its unique requirements and benefits. By exploring your options and identifying the program that best fits your needs, you can set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling life in Quebec.

An excellent place to start is by contacting an immigration lawyer in Quebec who can help you navigate this process and ensure you’re taking advantage of all the opportunities available.