Are you thinking about relocating to Canada from India? Then you’ve definitely heard of Canadian citizenship status. But before making a big move, you must know about all the darker and brighter sides of having Canadian citizenship. 

There are a lot of benefits to getting Canadian citizenship. You can get THE WORLD’S BEST medical and education system, a strong economy with plenty of employment, social assistance, excellent safety and liberty, a tolerant and diversified culture, and many more.

Relocating to a land of opportunities and getting citizenship is a great idea. You can preserve your standard of living and career. However, because there are multiple steps in the application procedure, it could not be easy.

But there is no need to be worried about it. Get precise detail to get Canadian citizenship below!

What Are The Benefits Of A Canadian Citizenship vs Permanent Resident?

You can quickly get your PR after moving to Canada. This will allow you only to permanently live here and have other opportunities. But getting a green card is another thing! Canadian citizenship is something that everyone wishes for. It has tons of millions of advantages over PR.

Remember that it’s a significant choice that should not be made only because Canadian passports are peculiar. You’ll learn when you take the pledge of citizenship that being a Canadian entails much more than simply having a passport. 

So what are the benefits of becoming a Canadian citizen over being a permanent resident? Let’s have a look:

More Employment Options

Canadian citizens may apply for positions that aren’t open to permanent residents. Only Canadian nationals are eligible for various government positions and vocations requiring clearances.

Status Does Not Require Renewal

Many PR cards only have a five-year expiration date. It is feasible to fulfill the citizenship residence criterion at that time. Before application, permanent residents must have spent 1,095 days physically present in Canada over the previous five years.

Once you have obtained citizenship, you are no longer required to maintain it. Congratulations! Certifications of citizenship are timeless.

Voting Rights

Voting is open to all Canadian citizens. In addition, you can go to the office and speak for your people on matters crucial to Canadians.

Improved Defense Against Status Loss

Regardless of their length of stay in Canada, permanent residents are nonetheless subject to deportation. Only a few conditions allow for the revocation of citizenship. 

A person’s citizenship might be revoked under Canadian law if acquired via deception, dishonesty, or willful concealment of relevant facts. Security, national or international civil rights abuses, or criminal gangs are other justifications for revoking citizenship.

But Canadian citizens have better protection against their status. You may retain your status easily if you hold citizenship.

Canadian Passport

As a citizen of Canada, you are eligible for legal support from Canadian embassies abroad as well as a Canadian passport, which may provide greater visa-free transit.

The Canadian passport is available to citizens. For specific purposes, several nations don’t require visas for people holding Canadian keys to enter.

Canada accepts dual citizenship as well. You can carry two passports if your home country takes dual citizenship. If your nation forbids dual citizenship, weigh the benefits and drawbacks of selecting one passport over another.

Finally, some people doesn’t know the pros of having Canadian citizenship. Hence they go with getting a PR. But a slight transition has been seen among 86% of people who switch from PR to citizenship.

Any place may be your home. You will not forfeit your citizenship if you are a Canadian citizen; therefore, feel free to reside anywhere you want for as long as you like. There is no necessity for permanent residence for Canadian citizens except for permanent status.

The same welfare programs, such as those for children, those tax-free, those for pensions, those for the unemployed, and those for health care, are available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. But there is a distinction between the two. 

Check out the benefits of having Canadian citizenship and permanent residence below:

Canadian CitizenshipPermanent Residence
With a valid Canadian passport, you can travel to 183 countries and regions without a visa or a visa upon arrival.While permanent residents are not entitled to this advantage, having a Maple Leaf Card makes it simpler to apply for a visa.
Canadian citizens are eligible for several citizenship-required federal, provincial, and security-cleared positions.Permanent residents can discover that their options for work are confined by their status.
Canadian citizens are exempt from immigration and/or Canadian residence rules and/or penalties.Permanent residents must adhere to specific residency criteria in order to keep their status.
Canadian citizens typically will not lose citizenship if they are found guilty of a crime.Permanent residents may be deported if their offence is determined severe enough to warrant it.
Citizens of Canada who intend to go abroad only need to update their passports every 10 years, and a Citizenship Card is valid permanently.Unfavorable circumstances force permanent residents to submit a new request for a PR Card and pay a price hike every 5 years.

What Are The Disadvantages of Being A Canadian Citizen?

What disadvantages do dual citizenship and Canadian citizenship have? We have mentioned some:

Jury Service

Jury selection is one of the responsibilities that come with citizenship; as a citizen of Canada, you must participate in a jury if requested. Although not a hardship in and of itself, some people would.

Losing Your Original Citizenship Is A Possibility

Dual nationality is not permitted in all nations. As long as you have connections to your home country, giving up your citizenship may be emotionally taxing and technically challenging.

Possible Legal Issues

Suppose you have dual citizenship in India and Canada. As the foreign intervention is rarely welcomed and you officially are an Indian citizen, Canadian officials won’t be able to help you much if you find yourself in legal difficulty in India. On the other hand, you may anticipate some support from the embassy if you have a Canadian passport.

For dual nationals, things might also become complicated if your home country is engaged in political unrest or a martial clash with Canada.

What Do You Need To Become A Canadian Citizen?

All those looking to relocate to Canada will find plenty of options there. There are several methods to accomplish your immigration goals, regardless of whether you study, visit, or work. Many immigrants decide to settle in Canada permanently and ultimately become Canadian citizens in some situations.

If you’re wondering how Indians might obtain Canadian citizenship, you need to know the crucial paperwork required. These are listed below.

  • Colored copy of your passport pages
  • The authentic hardcopy of your online physical existence calculation showing your residency
  • Copies of two or more valid picture IDs, such as a passport, a permanent resident card, a driver’s license, a health insurance card, or other foreign identification papers.
  • Proof of your fluency in either French or English
  • Two passport-sized images

Application Process

Your application processing may include steps like your test, interview and ceremony. When the immigration officers get your citizenship application, they examine it to make absolutely sure you:

  • Filled out the form completely
  • Provided the relevant papers
  • Made the payment required

You should continue with the application procedure if you qualify for the citizenship program in Canada. The actions listed below will be beneficial.

1: Go to the Government of Canada’s official web page. Use your credentials to register

2: Thoroughly read the directions and complete the online form. Attach all necessary paperwork

3: Pony up your application costs in step three. After completing all the required fields, submit the form

4: Begin planning for your written test now. You must receive at least 15 out of 20 questions correctly

5: After your exam and interview, pause for the government’s results. You will get a Call to Appear after your citizenship has been accepted. Then, in the appropriate location, you must take your citizenship ceremony

Processing Time

The processing period is the time it typically takes from when the department receives a fully completed application until they decide. It may vary from person to person application submission turn. The average processing time is 22-23 months.

But at least 12-14 months are necessary to only analyze a single citizenship application.

Government Fee

The Canadian government now charges all candidates a $630 application fee. It comprises a $100 Right of Citizen cost and a processing fee of $530. This cost is non-refundable. However, you will be returned within seven days if you accidentally paid a larger amount.


Right now, who from India can apply for citizenship in Canada? A person may apply for their complete family’s citizenship. All of the requests will be handled together in this situation. 

The federal agency responsible for administering citizenship for both potential and present Canadian citizens is Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The following conditions must be satisfied to qualify for Canadian citizenship:

  • Candidates must be able to interact in Canadian society in one or both of the country’s official languages, English or French; ages 18 to 54 years old must provide evidence of language skills
  • Candidates must be aware of their rights and obligations as citizens and possess a fundamental understanding of Canada’s territory, political structure, and history
  • Before applying, you must be a Canadian permanent resident and have resided here for at least 3 years or 1,095 days out of the previous 5 years. Children under the age of 18 are required to acquire permanent resident status as well; however, they are exempt from the three-year rule
  • You should not have a criminal record that would make it difficult for you to be granted Canadian citizenship
  • A written application must be submitted to IRCC together with the option of citizenship payment and federal processing fee


After approval, you must pass a citizenship examination. If you are accepted, you must next go to a citizenship ceremony to get your citizenship card and become legally recognized as a new Canadian citizen.

In Canada, the citizenship test is either written or conducted orally. Typically, it consists of a written MCQ exam lasting 30 minutes. The following topics might be addressed on the exam:

  • Canadian citizens’ privileges, liberties, and obligations
  • Participating in Canadian culture
  • Canadian culture and history
  • Geography of Canada and democracy (both political and physical)
  • The Rulers
  • The political culture of Canada
  • Canadian flags
  • Government branches in Canada

However, if the board feels it is essential, they may require the family members to retake the written exam. They could also be required to show up for a trial with the citizenship examiner. Parents may petition for their young child’s nationality in Canada if they are permanent residents.


However, you will be required to appear for a 30-90 minute interview with a Canadian citizenship officer if you cannot read or write clearly in French or English.

If you have other obstacles preventing you from passing the written portion of the exam, you’ll be asked for an oral test. These interviews often take place in person, although they can also be conducted by a webcast.


Your last step before becoming a Canadian citizen is to take the Oath of Citizenship during a citizenship ceremony. There are citizenship events held all around the nation and throughout the year.

The ceremony typically occurs four to six months after you clear the written test. If, after passing the test, you aren’t invited to the tradition within six months, then:

  • Your application might need to be revised.
  • To examine your application, citizenship officers might want more details, papers, or time

Who Will Not Become A Canadian Citizen?

Among all countries in the world, Canada has one of the most liberal citizenship laws. As a result, a significant number of individuals each year qualify for Canadian citizenship, and more than 85% of those who are permanent residents do so.

Fulfilling residency criteria, speaking English and/or French well, and not having a criminal record that might prevent you from becoming a citizen are just a few conditions for being eligible for Canadian citizenship.

Research whether you are eligible for Canadian citizenship before applying. It will make your moves smoother. So, please check the ineligibility criteria below and decide accordingly. 

General Ineligibility Criteria

You’ll not be awarded Canadian citizenship if you:

  • Haven’t cleared your citizenship exam or interview
  • Do not reach the minimum needed residency time in Canada
  • Are not able to communicate in either English or French
  • Are you unable to submit the necessary papers for residency verification

Criminal Records

Additionally, you may not be entitled to Canadian citizenship if you have a history of criminal activity or other legal problems. You might not be able to get citizenship if any of the following situations happen to you:

  • Within the last five years, your citizenship has been revoked
  • You were found guilty of a crime over the previous three years
  • You’re on probation, parole, or incarcerated
  • You have a deportation order against you from Canada
  • You are being looked into or have already been found guilty of violating international law or a human rights violation

Is It Difficult To Become A Canadian Citizen?

Canada provides a straightforward road to citizenship. To gain residence, you must provide evidence of additional income unless you currently hold employment in Canada. You must be present physically in Canada for at least 730 days or two years within each five-year term in order to satisfy the residence requirement.

To be admitted as a qualified immigrant, a person must provide financial documentation totalling $12,960. You have four years from the day you were granted permanent residence status to submit an application to become a citizen of Canada.

You may decide whether moving to Canada is best for you by completing engaging surveys. Your journey to get Canadian citizenship will be quite smooth if you consider the following standards that you must meet:

  • Canadian immigration officials strictly enforce the condition that you actually reside in the nation before seeking to become a citizen
  • Moreover, you must have been physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days in the five years prior to the date of your application
  • Additionally, you need to have paid any wage taxes you incur and have submitted your taxes for at least three of the previous five years
  • You must also provide documentation demonstrating your ability to speak and listen in either English or French, and you must clear a citizenship exam if you are between the ages of 14 and 65 
  • Waiting until you are eighteen will exempt you from these restrictions 
  • Canadian law allows for dual citizenship

Check Out SHOCKING benefits of Canadian citizenship | We are applying for citizenship?

Tips On Getting A Canadian Citizenship

It might be intimidating to register for Canadian citizenship because it is a nation with rigorous criteria. But with the appropriate guidance and a few pointers, you can be confident that the Canadian citizenship application procedure will go smoothly.

Every year, a vast number of people seek to become Canadian citizens. In actuality, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada revealed that the nation had exceeded its citizenship targets for 2021–2022, when more than 210,000 people had become citizens of the country.

Beyond meeting all qualifying conditions when you apply for Canadian citizenship, how can you strengthen your citizenship application and distinguish yourself from other applicants? Today, we’ll provide some tips:

Improve Your Linguistic Skills.

You know already that English and French are Canada’s two official languages. Based on your proficiency in either of these languages, the immigration office will evaluate your application while reviewing your profile.

Your language ability will be assessed if you are between the ages of 18 and 54 by:

  • Examining the evidence you sent with your application
  • Assessing your interaction with immigration office personnel
  • During a meeting with a relevant authority, evaluate your language ability

Read Up On The History Of Canada

Canadian residents feel proud of Canada’s history and tradition, which are significant characteristics of this nation. We advise learning everything you can about Canada as you start the process of becoming a citizen.

A citizenship test will be necessary, and it will assess your degree of familiarity with all topics related to Canada. Having said that, the test’s subject matter is not limited to American history. It also includes the duties and rights of Canadian citizens. You will fulfill this crucial condition for Canadian citizenship if you successfully complete the test.

Land A Job

Your prospects may be improved if you have a legitimate job offer or are still working for pay when you file for Canadian citizenship because you will already have a successful career in the nation. Trying to find a job? Use employment sites like Indeed, Canada Job Bank, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, Workopolis, and others if you so want.

Reside In Canada For 5 Years

You must secure Canadian permanent resident status or three to five years in order to be eligible for citizenship. This is based on the amount of time you’ve spent residing in Canada, not just visiting. Only submit an application after living in the nation for 1,095 days.

Staying here for a more extended period will improve your application. You should be aware that Canadian Immigration will be mindful of extended stays outside our boundaries. We advise keeping track of the overall time you have been outside and inside Canada.

Ensure That Your Crime Record Is Clean

In Canada, the respective departments take rules and criminal behavior extremely seriously, so it’s crucial to make sure you’ve lived a law-abiding existence in all areas of your life. Therefore, even though you haven’t executed a severe violation like robbery or violence, your entrance to Canada may still be prohibited due to infractions like unpaid traffic tickets or bankruptcy.

You won’t be eligible for Canadian citizenship if you commit any of the following offences:

  • Fraudulent immigration activity
  • Lying about your immigration situation
  • Having a deportation order against you from Canada 
  • Being looked into for a crime, you didn’t commit
  • Carrying out attacks on people
  • Having a case pending

Submit Your Taxes

Before filing your application to become a Canadian citizen, ensure you are tax-compliant if you have been a nation resident for three to five years by filing your tax records for the applicable tax year.

Your tax benefits or returns will be examined by the Canadian Immigration office to see if you have any ongoing tax liens on your account.

Keep Up With The Current News Relating To Immigration

To conclude, the immigration environment in Canada is always changing. Don’t forget to remain up to speed on the most recent immigration news from Canada.


Is Moving to Canada Worth It?

Canada is the answer; what matters the question is. Canada is a diverse nation with abundant natural resources and ethnic identity. With slightly over 36 million inhabitants, the country has the third biggest land area on the whole planet. 

The best health care system, high standard of living, and the least homicide rates are Canada’s three greatest gifts to incoming immigrants. Canada should be your first pick due to these factors.

Moreover, a new nation can present many chances for you and your family to develop and have a higher level of living, whether it’s for better work possibilities, a better educational practices, or simply a transition in your lifestyle. Hence, for a good reason, Canada is regarded as one of the greatest places to move.

Can I Stay in India after Getting Canadian Citizenship?

Yes. There is a chance. Please understand that you are no more an Indian citizen after becoming a resident of Australia or Canada.

Long-term green card holders must register with the closest Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) or District Police Superintendent if they plan to stay in India for more than 180 days.

Can an Indian have Indian and Canadian Citizenship?

No, India forbids double citizenship. Therefore, when you qualify for, ask for, and are granted Canadian citizenship, you must relinquish your Indian citizenship. You can do this by turning in your Indian passport at the Indian consulate. 

The situation is the opposite when you live in Canada while holding both Indian and Canadian citizenship. So it is legal for Canadians to acquire citizenship abroad while maintaining Canadian citizenship. Before making a citizenship application to Canada, inquire about the requirements in your home visa office. 

The exciting news for you is that you can hold multiple citizenships while residing in Canada!

Should I Give Up Indian Citizenship for Canadian Citizenship?

Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) who have gained foreign nationality must promptly turn in their Indian passports to the closest Indian Embassy or Consulate. Moreover, the Indian Citizenship Act 1995 doesn’t allow multiple citizenships. 

So, if you decide to move to Canada from India, you must research holding citizenship deeply. If you plan to move permanently, no worries. You are going right away!

How Long Do You Have to Live in a Province to be Considered a Resident?

If you have visited Canada for a short period, you may know the 183-day rule. People who “briefly stay” in Canada for some time greater than 183 days per year are subject to this rule. In this situation, you are considered a Canadian resident for the entire tax period.

Hence you have to spend more than six months (183 days) in a province to be considered a resident. When evaluating whether you are a resident of Canada, your residence status might be regarded under any applicable Canadian tax treaty.

Can I Stay in India after Getting Canada PR?

The status of a permanent resident is also perpetual. You are allowed to live in Canada permanently for as long as you desire. But! You must reside in Canada for at least two out of every five years to keep your citizenship. Hence after getting citizenship, you may visit India and stay for a while here.

In the past, there was a “6-month rule,” but that is no longer true since the times have shifted. The five-year validity of Canadian PR Cards allows for unrestricted travel beyond Canada throughout that time. 

Hence if you have a 5-year PR validity, then after spending 2 years in Canada, you can live and visit India whenever you want. But remember, a 5-year validity is necessary! You still retain your nationality from your home country even after receiving a PR visa.

Final Thoughts

As you have seen, citizenship via naturalization is advantageous to individual permanent residents and Canada as a whole. It allows immigrants the right to vote, gives them access to political power, and studies indicate that it could increase their economic chances.

Before requesting a residence visa, consider taking a trip or remaining on a short-term passport. Before making a significant move, it’s crucial to gain a sense of a nation and its former population. Let us know if you have any queries regarding this guide on OnTheMoveCanada

May your year be filled with successes and and a lot of congratulations!