Are you seeking a job related to your art degree? Will you find a job of your interest? Do fine arts has any scope in Canada? Does Canada accept your degree and give you your desired position without experience? You may work in a job you love and make decent money at it, which is tragically rare in the current workforce.

You may pursue several jobs with an arts degree that may keep you financially and artistically satisfied. Art directors, user experience designers, animators, architects, fashion designers, creative directors, and many more. Canada’s marketplace provides many opportunities for students and graduates to step into an independent and joyful life!

According to recent studies, 80% of art graduates seek jobs directly or indirectly connected to their field of study. So, let’s look at in-demand arts-related employment and careers in Canada!

Are Jobs Related to Arts Degree In Demand?

One of the most humanistic academic efforts is art. It’s frequently characterized—inaccurately—as a rising pastime for affluent retirees. Or as a concentration reserved solely for the oddest and most inventive people. Or as a niche college major for those who are so enthusiastic about painting a house that they don’t worry about going hungry to achieve it.

However, these myths conceal the value of art. Every civilization has produced art from every corner of the world and throughout history. History is preserved via art. Our emotions may be expressed via art. Communication with people via art is possible today and in the future.

For the next ten years, artists will continue to be in demand. A diploma in the arts is a smart choice right now because jobs in the arts are expected to expand by 14% between 2020 and 2030.

The best way to distinguish yourself from others in these highly sought-after occupations is to get a degree in your preferred field. This is crucial since careers in the arts demand artistic and creative abilities.

Modern professionals also employ a lot of cutting-edge technology, and college or university campuses are the most incredible places to learn about it.

However, art need not be so profoundly motivated; it may also be more helpful. Everything, from thousand artworks to the marketing for sweet candies, is influenced by art. You don’t need to struggle as a “struggling artist.” You may find profitable employment and high-paying artistic jobs if you know where to search.

You can easily break into the fascinating art world, and you might be shocked by the amount of money you can make in certain entry-level positions. The following three posts are ideal for anybody seeking a creative or artistic profession because they demand a bachelor’s degree and no prior experience. That seems exciting!

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Following are some jobs that are highly in demand for an arts degree holder:

Multimedia Artist

The demand for multimedia artists is expected to grow to 4% in Canada. Hence, utilize your arts degree being a multimedia artist. Are you a fresh graduate? Do you want to be more experienced? There is nothing to be worried about.

Canada demands no experience in this post. Moreover, if you are enthusiastic about painting and want to make a good living, you should pursue this field because you can easily earn $75,300 from this job. 

Have you ever watched animated movies? Turning Red, Ballerina, The Adams Family, and Marvel Films might have some impact on your eyes as well as your brain. Because as a multimedia artist, you observe several things, and you get into an animator’s and designer’s thoughts and ideas.

Hence being a multimedia artist, you can build 2D and 3D graphics and models, animating them to appear practically anywhere and move in any direction.

Fashion Designer

Do your friends come to you for fashion tips? Are you preoccupied with finding the ideal shoes to match your perfect shirt, ideal pants, and ideal jewelry? If so, you could possess the drive necessary to become a professional fashion designer. 

Fashion designers need to comprehend textiles, art themes, colour theory, and marketing in addition to designing glamorous garments. With just a bachelor’s degree, you may start a varied profession that is ideally centred on haute couture or retailing. 

Given that the top 10% of earners in this field make over $149,000, it has the potential to be a booming profession for those with the necessary abilities. The median salary for an entry-level fashion designer is approximately $73,800.

Industrial Designer

How are sports cars’ bodies created? How can businesses choose the sizes and styles of a kettle? Why do PCs have a modern look? If you have the skills of an industrial designer, you must come up with the answers. You can evaluate the external face of several things using your knowledge. 

You can mix creative talent with mechanical concepts to create a product that appeals to customers visually. Although the anticipated growth rate for this field is -4%, there are plenty of reasons to pursue a career as an industrial designer, given that the top 10% earn more than $114,000 and the median wage is over $68,000.

What Are The Career Jobs For Artists in Canada?

Are you considering flourishing your career as an artist in Canada? Do you want to know the highest-paying career jobs Canada provides to an artist? Let’s walk you through the best career jobs that we have listed below:

Art Directors

Art directors govern magazine layout and design, as well as a variety of other components. They choose the graphic concepts and then work with teams to create the finished items. Many of them work for media corporations and advertising agencies and are self-employed.

To get one of these well-paying occupations, you need only a minimum of 5 years of experience with a bachelor’s degree. In Canada, the average annual pay for an art director is $80,000, or $41.03 per hour.

Beginning salaries for entry-level employment are $68,563, while those with incredible experience may earn up to $122,625 a year, making this one of the highest-paying art careers. You can make a high-quality living. We shall observe that declining employment growth is the sole drawback in many of these jobs. 

Artistic Landscaping

You definitely don’t think about art jobs when you hear of landscaping. You certainly don’t picture creative designs when you see damn difficult debris labourers lugging boulders, mud, and concrete. Yet landscaping is a form of art.

A crucial component of landscape design and a challenging skill to perfect is blending shapes and colours to improve an outdoor environment and create a beautiful yet functional place. The median salary for artistic landscaping is $50,714 per academic year.

In residential, corporate, and public environments, architecture firms work. The efficiency of this profession will increase due to technology, reducing the demand for landscape architects. The top 10% of landscape architects may still earn about $112,000 despite the decline.

Art Consultant

A person who works solely with modern art is known as an art consultant. You can hire artists to create pieces for the government or the private sector. Art consultants likely specialize in street art, resort art, cruise lines, and private residences

You may oversee the ultimate installment of the item and can also provide your customers advice and research and order custom works of art. Each art consultant has a unique price strategy based on the company and the quantity of necessary artwork. 

Depending on the particular needs of a project, a price for managing the commission of one customized artwork might range from 5 to 15% of the artwork’s worth.

Graphic Designer

Graphics design blends science and art, just like video editing does. Visual media may be created by graphic designers using several softwares. However, students also need to be aware of the communicative potential of art.

Despite having a high wage, the growth rate for graphic designers is predicted to be -4%. There are various causes at work, including the decline of newspapers, which once engaged many graphic designers. The median salary for a graphic designer is approximately $36,000 to $60,000.

Art Curator

How do art galleries locate objects to display? How are these goods obtained through borrowing or purchase and then kept for future millennia? Curator of art, as evidenced by this piece. You can buy, store, and exhibit works of art. You can also help out with routine tasks like cleaning things.

It’s possible that art curators need to be themselves artists. However, they still need to have a good understanding of the processes involved in creating art, the factors that give it worth, and the styles of art currently gaining popularity in society. 

A degree in management and business is beneficial for this job. The average yearly salary for an Art Gallery of Ontario curator in Canada is about $90,692, which is 37% more than the global rate.

Check Out Highest Paying Jobs For Art Majors! (Top 10 Jobs):

How To Become A Professional Artist?

You can become a professional artist by:

  • Having had particular instruction in the arts. It’s not necessary to be perfect in the academic record
  • Identifying a professional by your colleagues 
  • Having a past of public performance or publishing and being dedicated to investing more time in your artistic endeavours, if financial support is an option

We have some essential tips for you to become a professional artist:

Become More Skilled

Developing your talents is the initial and most crucial stage in becoming a professional artist. Increase your understanding and brush-handling skills by attending classes, researching leading authorities’ work, and exercising. 

Take your art to a height where it can compete with other artists’ efforts if you want to be a professional. It isn’t easy to define. It’s comparable to the gap between a cake painter with little training or expertise and one with many years of experience. There is a visible difference in skillset.

Examine Your Work

Inspect your work once you believe it to be of a significant enough standard. Submit your best work to a nearby art exhibition to determine whether your position is prepared. Watch the spectators as they take it in.

You’ll enjoy taking off your artist badge and walking around close to your work so you can hear what people are saying and see how they are reacting. Does your artwork sell? That’s also a really positive indicator.

Find Your Strengths

What do you best at? Find your area of strength, which may be related to the particular topic, the media, or the style of the painting. Show your work in that specific field, wait for some time to get a positive response from your close ones, and what your inner self says about it? Try another approach if your first choice seems wrong.

Build Your Work Portfolio

Create a strong foundation of 10 to 14 components in which you have confidence. They ought to be well-organized and skilled. Usually, you want every work to convey a comparable topic and a uniform painting technique.

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Learn to Take Pictures of Artwork

It’s more challenging than it seems to do this. Because your images will represent your work, you must ensure that they are of the highest calibre possible.

Make a Simple Website

Create a straightforward but expert website using the original collection of work that you well-photographed. Websites are today’s equivalent of the portfolio. Being online is necessary if you wish to be professional. 

At this stage, the website may only contain your name, some facts about you, your job, and contact details. Numerous websites provide basic template-free versions for free. While initially OK, you will soon need to upgrade. 

While doing it, you want to establish a presence on particular social media platforms. Keep it accessible; choose a few that interest you, then create an account.

Create a Resume

It’s time to create your CV now that you have a strong foundation for your work, professional photos of your work, a functional website, and a way to keep track of your career. This entails 

  • Participating in regional exhibitions
  • Joining regional art organizations (and taking part in their group exhibitions)
  • Maybe collaborating with small regional galleries, such as a coffee shop or bookstore, that present regional artwork

It’s time to display your work publicly!

Increase Your Marketing Activities

The following stage is to advance your webpage and advertising assets if you have mentioned any experience on your CV. You’ll require a thoughtful artist expression, bio, and expert artist photo that captures your unique artistic personality.

Always Carry Yourself in a Professional Manner

Being a professional requires more than merely achieving particular objectives. It also includes how you conduct yourself. It’s your personality, attire, and assurance with which you approach your task. 

When you interact with the art world, display your work in the best possible way, dress nicely, and use marketing materials that seem polished. You wouldn’t imagine the negative things, for instance, a messy board and picture, can do. 

Or, taking the opposite approach, consider the beneficial effects that a well-groomed, charismatic persona may have.

Determine The Course You Want To Take

It would be best if you chose your area of specialization now that you have attained a pro standard in your employment, a strong résumé, and practical marketing tools. As a working artist, you have a variety of options. 

Since taking on everything or from every viewpoint is difficult, we advise choosing two or three avenues and concentrating your efforts there. We are talking about the following paths:

  • Participation in exhibitions and the arts community
  • Exhibition representation
  • Outdoor marketplaces for art
  • Fairs for both local and international art
  • Teaching
  • Contests for fine art
  • Work for hire

Different Types of Artists

What are the various categories of artists today – and have been in the past – in an age with such a vast array of diverse forms of modern art? There are also several characteristics that may be employed to generate different sorts of artists, some of which are crucial and frequently applied in the art world. 

Graduates in the arts still need help applying their four years of education. Formerly looked upon by faculties, colleges in Canada are increasingly promoting work experience for arts students, counselling them on jobs, and providing multidisciplinary degrees to create diverse graduates. 

University authorities and companies caution that there is still a lot of work to be done to maintain this shift in perspective. But what are these, and what are the many artistic disciplines per these criteria? 

We may categorize the various artists following various art forms according to the media. Please take note that an artist can both paint and create installations at the same time. The term “multimedia artist” is frequently used to describe this.

As a result, we’ve included the many kinds of artists below, organized by medium:

  • The painter
  • The illustrator
  • The draftsperson
  • The creator
  • Assemblage maker
  • Using digital (collage artist)
  • (Artistic) photographer
  • The video maker
  • Artisan of the installation
  • The rural artist
  • Artist’s (public) involvement
  • The artist who performs

List of Skills That Are Developed When Taking An Arts Degree

The study of the arts includes a range of ways that you communicate your ideas, passions, views, sentiments, and opinions. The arts course encourages the growth of abilities, ideas, and sensibilities crucial to all artistic endeavours. 

As a professional artist, you can attain a high degree of technical proficiency, an awareness of aesthetic style, a thorough understanding of art history and design, and an understanding of its significance to civilization. 

Also, the unique teaching methodology and friendly surroundings can’t stop you from choosing Arts and ultimately getting a healthy income. Here are some skills that you get while studying an art course:

Skills in the Arts and Aesthetics

What type of skills do you get in the arts? Check out the following list below:

  • Recognizing, expressing, and comprehending design
  • Identifying patterns, connections, and operations
  • Using colour, space, and line effectively
  • Being imaginative
  • Giving a visible expression to abstract concepts
  • Investigating dynamic formations
  • Using compositional, framing, and conceptual art ideas
  • Recognizing contemporary concerns in art and design

Skills in Analysis and Communication

The following are some communication skills that you develop in your Arts course:

  • Reporting and data, analysis, and interpretation Looking at problems from several angles
  • Comparing choices
  • Detailing the work
  • Showcasing and presenting work
  • Setting up a portfolio
  • Making guidelines
  • Communicating using images
  • Making use of digital media
  • Work in marketing

Technical Expertise

Here is a list of technical skills that you may obtain:

  • Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each media
  • Having knowledge of industrial technologies
  • Achieving an excellent standard of craftsmanship
  • Working across different media
  • Drawings and photographs
  • Producing models
  • Maintaining standard

Social / Organizational Skills

Check out the following interpersonal skills that you obtain while studying arts/social sciences:

  • Solving issues
  • Working together with others
  • Connecting with other artists
  • Arranging for and setting up shows
  • Evaluating client needs
  • Managing product design
  • Knowing the relevant economic and legal concerns

Remember that employers look for candidates with a solid work ethic, who can work well in a team environment, and who have outstanding verbal and written communication abilities. You may enhance the skills you learn in class by participating in student groups and working on campus. 

Most specializations support specific student organizations, such as an honour society or undergraduate group. Studying abroad, finding a job off college, or doing community service are among more alternatives. A summer assignment may be a superb method to explore a career sector and build marketable abilities.

List of Professional Associations & Organizations

Professional associations are groups that give members of particular professions opportunities for networking and professional growth. Many organizations provide student subscriptions at reduced costs to assist students in learning about and obtaining experience in the fields they choose.

The following is the list of professional associations and organizations in Canada:


What Are Jobs For Visual Learners?

When given information in the form of charts, graphs, diagrams, maps, or other visuals, visual learners or “sketch learners” digest it more effectively. Visual learners can imagine ideas rapidly and typically comprehend images before reading written words.

Visual learners typically do well in jobs that need them to utilize navigational abilities, make judgments based on facts, or make stuff using art and design because they are skilled at recognizing how notions and concepts interact. They do particularly well in roles that require them to practically or cognitively hold stuff together.

Hence, some occupations that may be ideal for visual learners include the following:

– Architect
– Driver
– Editor
– Graphic designer
– Painter
– Pilot
– Software Developer
– Database administrator
– Bookkeeper
– Data scientist
– Engineer
– UX designer
– Strategic planner
– photographer/videographer
– Interior designer

What Is A Fine Artist?

Painting, sculpting, and printing are all considered forms of fine art, which are created for aesthetic purposes alone without consideration for use or practicality. In recent years, the phrase has expanded to encompass photography, video, and other cutting-edge technologies that produce visual images.

A fine artist produces creative artwork in a range of disciplines, including theatre, videography, painting, drawing, sculpting, and cinema. Using a range of media, fine painters produce unique works of art. 

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The best way to characterize your work is to consider your domain of expertise, which may be:

– Two-dimensional like painting
– Three-dimensional like sculpture
– Four-dimensional like moving images

Furthermore, a lot of painters decide to focus on a certain genre, such as landscapes or portraits. Fine artists might be employed or paid to make works of art, or they can generate original works that will be sold in the future. You can create several activities as a fine artist, like:

– Developing and refining concepts, constructing drawings and models
– Encouraging people to buy your art and convincing galleries to show it
– Creating project ideas for exhibition spaces, artist fellowships, or contests
– Negotiating the purchase or commission of a piece of art
– Locating goods and developing commercial ties with vendors
-Handling your tax difficulties as well as a variety of admin, advertising, and other self-employment-related tasks

Are Jobs Related to Art Degrees In Demand?

Fine arts is one of the most renowned sectors to study. Hence its related career is in high demand in Canada. Canada not only has a large number of technological opportunities, but it also has a lot of established industries that attract people with degrees in the arts. The entertainment, leisure, and governmental sectors are a few of these.

If you want to concentrate on your artistic flair and investigate new prospects, consider studying fine arts in Canada. You with an arts degree can choose from various occupations that value your versatile advantages. Examples include:

– Working as a campaigner
– Investigator
– Manager
– Management consultant
– Store manager
– NGO employee

Final Thoughts

What jobs can I get with an art degree? We believe now you have shortlisted some of the best options for you. Canada provides educational and career opportunities to citizens as well as foreigners. It would be best if you do some homework yourself, polish your skills, and follow your interest. 

After analyzing, please choose the best-suited career from the lists that we have provided. Give your best in the selected field and earn fame and a name in the country. Feel free to share your nostalgic memories while you studied arts on OnTheMoveCanada