Are you planning to choose to teach a profession for you? Wonderful! Right, where you should be! Teaching is announced as the most in-demand profession globally. And Canada is still catching up. Start collecting opportunities and nourish your career. 

Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary require English teaching staff. You could need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), which verifies that your degree, qualification, or certificate is valid and fulfills Canadian standards for an English teacher. Canada provides both opportunities: teaching English as a subject or language.

However, teaching options are more substantial in Vancouver and Montreal. Like the U.S., obtaining a work visa is complex, and Canadian instructors compete for vacancies. You can get more details as this guide is especially for you.

So, let’s begin.

Why Teach English In Canada?

Canada’s officially recognized languages are English and French, yet only 25% of the population is entirely bilingual. As a result, several foreign language schools around the nation teach both English and French to native Canadians and foreigners. 

People opt to find a job in Canada from all over the world in quest of a higher standard of living and more profitable possibilities. Canada might be a desirable place to start your career as an English teacher for several reasons, including

Comparatively Higher Pay Of Teachers

After Luxembourg and Germany, Canada has the third-highest earnings in the world for skilled teachers in primary and secondary education. The majority of newly arrived teachers make more money in Canada than they did in their home countries. 

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Even though typical pay varies by region, teaching grade, and experience. Also English teacher may earn more than an arts or science teacher.

At All Levels Of Education, There Is A Shortage Of Trained Instructors

You may locate open positions in Canada at your teaching level, whether you work with kindergarteners or college students. The provinces of British Columbia (B.C.), Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Alberta are the ones with the most significant shortages of English, as well as other language assistants and replacement teaching personnel.

In-demand Job in Canada

Whatever Canadian province or territory you want to reside in, there will likely be a great need for skilled instructors.

Hence, many sections welcome foreign-trained tutors as permanent residents (P.R.) to fill shortcomings.

This is because there needs to be more regionally prepared educators to fulfill local labor market demands. If you are an immigrant or a Canadian, the strong demand for an English teacher makes it simpler to secure employment in Canada quickly.

The Love Affair Between The English Language

Your vocabulary by teaching English overseas increases. It is all made possible by answering strange queries, getting a more comprehensive view of domestic and international current events, and seeing diverse perspectives on themes and interactions with your pupils. 

Since English is widely spoken, you can converse with residents and students.

Are English Teachers in Demand in Canada?

There is such a great demand for English language education in English-speaking countries and worldwide that one can almost always find lucrative positions from Tokyo to Toronto. You can anticipate breaking even financially when you decide to teach English in Europe.

Many regions are experiencing a shortage of teachers, with British Columbia and New Brunswick being some of the worst hit. More precisely, the necessity for preschool has been more severe for early schooling due to Middle School and Special Needs.

There were so many available instructors a few years back that there needed to be more positions. Why, then, is there such a demand for them in 2023?

Despite the rise of kids and school applications, there is still a sizable gap that must be addressed. According to Global News Canada, it is more probable than not that teaching will be the most in-demand profession in the ensuing 1-3 years.

The desire for younger, fresh brains eager to explore these extraordinary lows that today’s youth are trying to seek is created by the world’s constant evolution of what is considered acceptable and unacceptable.

Even though there is and has always been a deficit, it only persists for a while. Learning English is one of the most sought-after skills nowadays, and its high demand makes it possible to find work and live almost anywhere globally.

How Much Do English Teachers Make in Canada?

Observe the average income of an English teacher in Canada:

  • Yearly wage: The average pay for English teachers in Canada is $43,946 per year. Most skilled professionals earn up to $68,250 annually, while entry-level roles begin at $38,025 annually.
  • Monthly Wage: In Canada, teachers make between $1,600 and $2,300 per month on average.
  • Weekly Wage: The average wage of English teachers per week is about $650.
  • Daily wage: English teachers get approximately $269 per day for teaching English as a subject.
  • Hourly wage: The average pay for English teachers is $22.54 per hour, and the working hours may vary according to school, province, or teaching level. English teachers get paid per hour and work various hours, as is the case with all language international schools.

It is recommended but only sometimes necessary to have some teaching experience. We have some precise data regarding per province English teacher salary below:

Province Salary 
Quebec $43, 250
Alberta $44, 630
Nova Scotia$48, 700
British Columbia$53, 600
Nunavut $57, 625
New Brunswick$63, 830

How To Have an English Teaching Career in Canada?

Start your job in the renowned ESL sector in Canada, or teach English here after acquiring valuable experience overseas. The ESL market in Canada is one of the most vibrant and esteemed in the world, which is fortunate for Canadians.

Learn all the required information about starting your career as an English teacher in Canada below:


Languages Canada has approved 90% of the language schools in Canada. To receive Languages Canada approval, all ESL instructors must be certified by TESL Canada. The following are some requirements to apply for an English teacher:

  • Candidates for the position must be Canadian nationals or immigrants and must possess a valid work visa
  • Accreditation to the TESL Canada Standard 1 is necessary for entry-level positions in Canada. A TESL Canada Standard 2 certification is preferred for management and higher-level teaching roles.

English must also be your first language to apply for a position as a linguistic consultant. Regardless of where you are, the provincial ministry of education must certify you if you want to work as a teacher in an elite university. 

Homestays will be the least restrictive setting because tutors must be fluent in their own language.

Best Time To Apply For A Teaching Job

Do you want to work as a teacher but are unsure about the best time to apply? It will be simpler to traverse the procedure smoothly if you know the hiring timetable colleges adhere to.

Even though teaching positions are available throughout the year, most instructors are employed in the late spring or summer.

Most students go to Canada throughout the winter and summer for language school, and they come from various nations. It is strongly advised to submit your employment application in January or May.

Where To Look For English Teaching Jobs In Canada?

There are several higher education institutions in Canada’s major cities, including Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. Usually, language helpers and residential teachers go to the more French-speaking provinces of Quebec or New Brunswick.

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The English-speaking regions of Ontario and western Canada provide vibrant and distinctive metropolises, while the French-speaking state of Quebec provides cities with European elegance and Canadian charm.


According to the requirements of the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch of the B.C. Ministry of Education, you must have completed a four-year post-secondary degree and a year and a half of teacher education training, which must include a minimum 10-week internship in a K–12 institution. 


For the years 2022–2024, Alberta’s secondary school teachers will have a good employment picture. The following elements played a role in this outlook: 

  • A few new roles will result from increased employment
  • Retirements will cause several roles to open up
  • There are a fair number of recent graduates that are out of a job in this field

To become a teacher in Alberta, candidates must complete at least of 16 years of professional education, including a 4-year undergraduate degree and a pre-service teacher certification program from an accredited school.


The number of teachers in Ontario is in short supply as many mature or quit the field. However, it is taking a lot longer for many new instructors to become certified, pushing them to choose temporary work with no assurance of benefits and considerably lower income.

In the Greater Toronto Area, a teacher’s yearly compensation averages $64,731. With a range from $206 to $129,754, the average supplemental cash salary for a teacher in Toronto, Ontario, is $5,171.


This big city has a sizable immigrant community that enrolls in English lessons as soon as you arrive in Canada, giving teachers a chance to provide introductory English as a Second Language (ESL) courses.


If you visit Quebec, you will immediately note the native French speakers influence, beautiful architecture, and charming European feel of the province. Most Quebec residents speak French, which is regarded as the province’s official language.

A qualifying master’s degree is required after a bachelor’s degree or equivalent certification is offered in the schools to work as a teacher in Quebec.

Prepare Interview Questions About Teaching English In Canada

It’s critical to get ready for possible inquiries about your background and credentials when getting ready for a teacher interview. When conducting interviews for a post, institutes consider specific credentials and expertise depending on the institution and the vacant position. 

Despite the variations in the specific standards, there are three main aspects that institutes look at when interviewing potential teachers:

  • Certain abilities
  • Special traits
  • Organizational culture

Check Out 10 Teacher Interview Questions for Teaching Abroad:

Possible Interview Questions to be Asked

When getting ready for your teaching interview, you might foresee many kinds of questions. The following topics are typically discussed during an interview:

  • Soft skills, such as social, interaction, and problem-solving abilities
  • Hard skills, which emphasize specialized technical abilities, including proficiency with computer software, grading expertise or presenting abilities
  • Education and training, including teaching certifications and career advancement
  • Contextual and analytical skills are often assessed by having you recount a period when something happened in the past

What Does Your Day Like When Working As An English Teacher in Canada?

Teaching English in Canada may be a fantastic opportunity to make friends, make money, and adjust to a new culture. It can also be a great way to build a CV and impress potential employers.

Your normal day being a teacher might differ based on the grade level and school system in which you teach. You must have strong time management abilities to allocate tasks effectively. This involves duties including:

  • Before coming to class, read emails and marked papers
  • Educating students
  • Interacting with students during one-on-one or small group lessons
  • Preparing the lecture plans for the following classes
  • Engaging in group discussions or seminars for career development
  • Class Preparation
  • Grading homework
  • Responding to inquiries and concerns from students. 

The classroom will hurt, and the students will experience severe stress if you cannot effectively stay on task.

In addition to working beyond school hours, many instructors train or promote extracurricular activities, prepare lectures, or grade student work. A recent nationwide poll revealed that the average teacher works 54 hours per week.


Can You Teach English in Canada Without a Degree?

Since requirements for instructors are high and there is tough rivalry, you must have a degree and complete at least a 120-hour Professional TEFL course if you want to teach English in Canada.

Although getting a bachelor’s degree in higher schooling with a focus on English is feasible, the most typical approach to becoming a secondary school teacher is combining a bachelor’s degree in English with a state-approved educator preparation program.

Is TEFL Valid in Canada?

Yeah sure. The TEFL credential is generally accepted in Canada, although some government initiatives and foreign institutions may require alternative credentials to teach English overseas. To be sure you are qualified and will be a strong candidate, check the standards for teaching English in language institutes, state schools, and other organizations.

A TEFL certificate is an economical and recognized option to begin teaching English overseas, whether you’re a fresh graduate itching to travel the world or trying to change jobs.

The TEFL teachers in Canada adequately prepare you for any teaching circumstance, no matter how straightforward or difficult, when you are working abroad, despite the fact that it may seem like a saturated market

How To Teach In Canada From US?

For Americans seeking to immigrate to Canada, there are several teaching positions available. Fortunately, Canada values teachers, making it simpler for teachers to relocate there to teach. Before submitting an application to migrate to Canada, you may look into teaching employment online.

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But! Regardless of the nation you try to enter, migration may take time and effort. Particularly in downturn businesses, skilled federal workers (FSW) are on priority since they are of greater importance to the nation. 

The recent COVID pandemic and the advancement of technology have made teaching online in Canada a viable choice. Working from the convenience of your home or workplace is what it means to educate online. 

Remember that to be eligible, you must still possess the same qualifications and teaching experience as a teacher who regularly instructs in Canadian schools. Hence, you can teach easily from the U.S. in Canada.
For further information, check the Canadian IELTS / Entry Program.

For instance, the need for medical professionals, dental professionals, and educators will always continue. If you’re a teacher looking to come to Canada, that’s fantastic news. 

Final Thoughts

Teaching jobs in Canada offer a wealth of opportunities for educators looking to advance their careers and make a difference in students’ lives. With a strong education system, favourable working conditions, and competitive salaries, Canada provides an attractive environment for both new and experienced teachers. 

Additionally, the country is known for its diverse and inclusive culture, making it a great place for teachers from different backgrounds to thrive. Whether you are looking to teach at the primary, secondary, or post-secondary level, or you specifically want to join Nova Scotia school boards, there is a teaching job in Canada that can meet your needs and help you achieve your professional goals.