In today’s challenging job market, getting the skills needed to find a job or an internship can be tricky. Mentorship is a vital part of finding the right career path, and even the most unconventional jobs have mentors of some sort. Having mentors can help you grow professionally and become the best version of yourself fast. 

To find the right mentor, identify your goals and objectives, and determine where you want to be in the next few years. Next, choose a mentor based on his expertise, abilities, and compatibility, determining whether he can help you.

This guide is meant for you if you are considering finding a mentor. This guide walks you through how to find a career mentor for you and gives tips on finding a mentor.

Let’s start reading

What Is A Career Mentor?

A career mentor is someone who, based on their experience in the field, helps you develop your career plan and achieve your goals. They can be anyone from a friend to a family member to a professional career coach or mentor.

Career mentors have various backgrounds and experience levels, but they have one thing in common: they want to help you succeed. A career mentor will not do your job or tell you what to do. Instead, they provide thoughtful advice, guidance, and support when things get challenging or confusing.

However, even if they are not an expert in the field, they must be able to help you think through what options are available and how to approach them successfully.

What Does A Career Mentor Do?

A career mentor can be a great source of support, advice, and inspiration. But what does a career mentor do? 

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  • They listen to your concerns, offer guidance and advice based on their own experiences, and help you develop strategies to move you toward your professional goals.
  • A career mentor can help you with everything from brainstorming ideas for a new job or promotion to ensuring you’re prepared for an interview.
  • A career mentor helps you find opportunities within your company that may not be obvious to you and would benefit your career development. This could include networking opportunities as well as on-the-job training programs.
  • Guide achieving success at work by providing tips on handling difficult situations and working effectively with others to meet common goals. 
  • Develop critical thinking skills to solve problems more readily through creative solutions rather than conventional approaches if necessary.

Things You Should Look For In A Mentor

Knowing what you need from a mentor can be challenging when you’re just starting your career. A good mentor can provide insights and guidance that will help you succeed in your career.

Here are some crucial things to consider while looking for a career mentor. Let’s have a look at some:


A career mentor should be someone with experience in the field you’re looking to enter and who is willing to advise you on getting started. Further, they have experience navigating the corporate world and know what it takes to succeed.

Having a track record of success and demonstrating their ability to help others achieve their goals is also essential. The more experience they have, the better!


They should also be compatible with you. This can mean many different things, including personality traits and educational background. 

You should feel comfortable opening up to your mentor about any issues, concerns, or questions during your mentorship relationship.

If you don’t feel a connection between the two of you, then it’s probably not going to work out well. A good mentor should understand your personality and values so that they can tailor their advice accordingly.


Your mentor should be someone who cares about your success and goals. Look for someone who will listen to your concerns and offer support.

They must be encouraging when times get tough and keep pushing you forward even when an impossible goal has been set. 

How To Find The Right Mentor?

Mentoring is beneficial at any stage in your career as long as you’re open to learning and growing. The ideal mentor should be someone currently doing what you want to do or who has been there before and can share lessons learned along the way.

If you’re interested in finding a mentor, here are some tips:

Know Your Goals [Short & Long Term]

When looking for a career mentor, it’s essential to understand your goals. Some people know exactly what they want to do, and some don’t. If you have yet to learn your dream job, starting by listing career goals that interest you can be helpful.

If you still need to know your goals, that’s okay too! Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What are your short-term goals? Do you want to make a partner? Or be promoted to a new position within your company?
  2. What are your long-term goals? Do you want to start your own business or become an entrepreneur? Do you want to earn more money?

Once you know your goals, it’s time to find someone to help you achieve them. Start by asking around among friends and family members if they know anyone who has done what you’re trying to do and succeeded at it. Try posting on social media and asking for recommendations if something else is needed.

Who’s Your Role Model

Think of people who have been successful in their own careers and why they’re successful. Find out what makes them tick and why they do what they do every day. What motivates them? How do they manage their time? How do they deal with stress? What advice would they give to others in their field? 

Once you have a role model in mind, consider what qualities they possess that make them successful. This will give you insight into what kind of prospective mentor would work best for your needs.

Conduct Research

Research the people in your field that have been around for a while and have made it far. These people have had successful careers and valuable experience that could help you advance your career.

You can find these people in many ways, including LinkedIn or social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You can also ask friends for recommendations or other contacts who may know someone who would be interested in mentoring someone new in their field.

Be Cognizant Of Your Existing Network

Think about the people you already know with the right skills or experience. Reach out to them, get to know them better, and ask if they would be willing to help you on your career journey. You never know what treasures are hiding in plain sight!

Be open-minded and flexible about who could be a good fit for you as a mentor. People often think that only someone older than them can be helpful in their career development; however, this is only sometimes true.

While having an idea of what kind of person you want as a mentor but need help finding one, consider expanding your search parameters and letting go of old ideals about mentorship roles. Someone may surprise you by being precisely what you need!

Differentiate A Mentor And A Sponsor

The next and most crucial thing you need to do is recognize the difference between a mentor and a sponsor. A mentor provides guidance and support while challenging you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and be interested in your long-term career development.

They push you outside of your comfort zone so that you can grow professionally and personally, but they won’t expect anything from you in return other than that you listen carefully to what they have to say. 

While a sponsor has a lot of power, he can be your boss, manager, or recruiter. They can give you something you want, like a promotion, a raise, or a new job. Sponsors are more interested in short-term wins for themselves or their company.

Asking For Mentorship

When you’re on the hunt for a mentor, remember that the person you’re asking will probably be busy. A mentor will not have time to help you with every little problem, so it’s essential to be specific with your ask.

Here are some tips for making the ask:

Prepare An Elevator Pitch

Preparing for a meeting with a career mentor is similar to preparing for an interview. You want to be prepared and know what to get from the meeting. Preparing your elevator pitch is one way to do that.

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This pitch should be brief and concise, with enough information to get the point across. It should focus on how you can benefit from the mentorship relationship, not what you think the mentor can do for you.

In addition, It’s not just a summary of your career history; it’s an opportunity to share your passions and goals in a way that makes your mentor want to work with you.

The goal of an elevator pitch is not to make yourself look good; it’s to make yourself look like someone worth mentoring. The best elevator pitches are specific and targeted rather than generic and vague.

Make Sure Its The Right Fit

If you’ve done your research, you know that a mentor can significantly impact your career. But it takes time, energy, and effort to find the right person. That’s why it is recommended that you set up up to two meetings with potential mentors.

The first meeting should be an informational interview: Ask about their background, what they like about their job and what they wish they’d known when starting.

The second meeting should be more of an interview; ask them if they will be your mentor. If they say yes, ask for anything else they’d like to know before committing. Hence, before asking anyone to help shape your professional future, make sure this person is a good fit for both of you:

Mention What You Like About The Person’s Work

When a mentor is someone you admire, you must express your appreciation. After all, they’re taking time out of their busy schedule to meet with you and help you out. It’s also okay to express respect for the person’s work or career. 

You can tell them and explain what aspect of their work you admire and want to learn more about. If they know that you’ve done your homework and are serious about learning from them, they’ll be flattered by the attention and more likely to respond.

If It’s A Cold Email, Start With Informational Interview

Cold emails are tricky because they feel like an imposition — even when they aren’t. That’s why it’s essential to start with an informational interview first. Make sure your email is brief and straightforward. Here are some tips:

  • Start with an introduction so they know who you are and why they should read further.
  • Tell them why you’re writing.
  • Explain what you hope to get out of the relationship and mentorship.
  • Offer something specific that would benefit both parties. 

If the person responds positively to that request and seems open to talking more about whatever topic you bring up, then send them another email asking if they’d be willing to meet again for you to continue learning from them regularly.

How To Become A Good Mentee?

The mentor-mentee relationship is a two-way street. As the more experienced person, the mentor must be willing to share knowledge and expertise with the mentee. But it’s also up to the mentee to ensure they get as much as possible from that relationship. Here are some tips for making sure you’re doing your part:

Stay On Your Goals

When you’re being mentored, make sure you remember your goals. What do you want to learn from the mentorship? What do you hope to gain from this relationship? Staying motivated and inspired requires that you remember and concentrate on your objectives. Always remember that you want to improve yourself professionally and personally.

Meet Consistently

It’s important to meet regularly with your mentor so that both parties can keep each other up-to-date on progress and ideas for improvement. If you cannot meet regularly due to travel or other commitments, get in touch at least once every two weeks by phone or email so that both of you remain aware of each other’s progress.

Set An Agenda

Before every meeting, set an agenda of topics and questions that you want to discuss during the meeting. This will ensure that you stay focused on what needs to be discussed instead of getting distracted by other things that pop up during the meeting.

Be Open To Feedback [Positive Or Constructive]

Don’t dismiss criticism out of hand or become defensive if your mentor expresses concern about something you did or said. Even if you disagree with them, ask questions about what they said to better understand what they mean by their comments.

Check Out How to Become a GOOD MENTEE & Grow From MENTORSHIPS

Take Notes

The mentor-mentee relationship is one of the most critical relationships in your life, so taking notes is essential. Take note of any advice you find helpful and any questions raised during your meetings. You can review these notes when you need them later in your career or life.

Decide On An End Date

When you decide on an end date for your mentorship program, it’s essential to stick with it. While some people think it’s good to continue training indefinitely, this isn’t true. 

It’s better to have a set end date, so both parties know when to move on and have time to reflect on their experiences together before moving on if necessary.

However, Mentoring relationship can last anywhere from four months to six months, depending on how much help you need and how long your mentor wants to commit to helping out.

Keep Your Boundaries

To be a good mentee, it’s essential to keep your boundaries clear. This means respecting your mentor’s time and not asking irrelevant questions about your goals and objectives.

You can ask if they can answer some of your questions via email instead of in person. This will help both parties stay on track with their schedules and prevent any awkward moments during meetings.

Consider Establishing A Board Of Mentors

You should have more than one mentor if you can manage it. It would help if you had people with different experiences to provide advice relevant to your specific career situation.

One of them can be someone currently in the same role as you, while another could be someone who has experience in a different field but still has some knowledge of skill sets.

And then there should be someone who has retired or moved on from the business world but still has the experience that could come in handy later down the road. Remember that the more people you have mentoring you, the more resources you’ll have.


Who Can I Talk To About My Career?

You can get advice from a career counsellor. They can help you decide about your future, plan your education and find out about job opportunities. A career counsellor will not give you any information about specific jobs or employers, but they can help with the following:
– How to choose the right career for you
– How to make yourself more employable by working on your skills, experience, and education
– How to develop a plan for your future

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How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Mentor?

The cost of hiring a mentor is based on the type of relationship you have with them. If you’re looking for someone who can provide advice and guidance within a specific area, you can expect to pay anywhere between $500 to $10000 per month.

It’s important to remember that these costs are only estimates because they’ll vary depending on what kind of relationship you’re looking for and which areas of business you’re willing to help with. The best way to find out how much it will cost is by asking around and seeing who else has been through the process.

How Do I Find A Legitimate Mentor?

The best way to find a mentor is through networking. Join professional organizations and attend their events and other industry-related events. You can also meet people through your networks, such as family members, friends, colleagues, and classmates.

Another way to find a mentor is by searching online for someone with similar interests or goals as yours who may be willing to help. A great way to start is by joining Facebook or LinkedIn groups and asking around!


Finding the right mentor for you is all about identifying the qualities that matter to you and then looking for those qualities in a potential mentor.

You can do this by keeping an eye out for talent that speaks to yours, using your intuition when it comes to reading people and situations and being open to the idea that people can be great mentors without necessarily having all of the qualities of your list. 

We hope you found this guide helpful in your search for a career mentor. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or want to chat about how we can help you find the perfect mentor.