Why should job applicants utilize targeted resumes? It draws attention to the knowledge and expertise needed for a certain role and job. When submitting targeted resumes, your resume gets revised and altered for the specific position to which the applicant is applying.

A targeted CV is created specifically for a given post. It is a business-related CV that uses essential terms carefully chosen from the job requirements of a specific position. The resume is written with a particular job vacancy in mind. It is a typical CV with abilities and employment history tailored to a certain role. 

You can convince the hiring manager that you are a great match for the post via a targeted resume. Your resume demonstrates to the hirer that you are a strong competitor. A resume should accompany a focused cover letter for the best results. 

Today, we’ll go further and demonstrate how to create a targeted resume that is productive and profitable. So, let’s start!

What Is A Targeted Resume?

The targeted resume is revised and or updated for a particular job position. This resume is specially crafted to emphasize abilities and expertise relevant to certain employers. Recruiters can see immediately from your targeted resume whether you are a perfect match for a job.

Moreover, the targeted resume is modified for a specific employer to match the business atmosphere. It must be consistent with the goals and aims of the project of the organization. Importantly, 61% of companies anticipate receiving customized resumes, and 36% would reject being so generic.

Last but not least, an ATS-specific resume has to be written. Many businesses are using the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The software helps recruiters manage and filter the daily number of job applications they receive. 

Recruiters input ATS software after scanning your resume. It then assesses and ranks your resume according to the keywords provided by HR to determine which applicants are the greatest matches. 

You must modify your resume to include terms and phrases that the ATS is instructed to search for to overcome this digital guard. Each job posting receives approximately 250 resumes each day

Importance Of A Targeted Resume

Why is having a targeted resume crucial? The answer is simple: your skills are the first component that makes the CV more individualized to the job requirements. Your ability to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise needed for a particular role will help a recruiter decide whether you are the best applicant for the post.

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You have a better opportunity of securing an interview because of this personalization. An employer can frequently skim your targeted resume to overview the abilities part, job experience, and other points.

If you are not declared their best candidate, the recruiters will prefer someone else over you who’ll more closely match the job description requirements.

How To Write A Targeted Resume?

You are determined to produce a targeted resume now that you are persuaded. Following are some tips for adjusting your resume according to the post description:

Review the Job Advertisement

The job advertisement makes this assessment transparent. You need to win a question-and-answer session that is already ahead of you. If you are applying for a specific job at a certain organization, your CV should embody the perfect applicant portrayed by the job description.

When you apply for a particular post, your CV should reflect the job description and advertisement. Hence, a targeted resume is also a job description resume. Does this sound overly complex? If so, we’ll relieve you of the responsibility.

A resume generator includes numerous templates for a targeted resume that are intended to assist you in creating a resume that matches a job advertisement. Simply put, several online tools carefully review your resume and compare it to the job descriptions of the positions you are pursuing.

Highlight Important Keywords

The quickest way to curate a targeted resume is to tailor it for keywords. A keyword-tailored resume must include two categories of keywords:

  • Sector-specific terms
  • Add keywords from your targeted job description

There is no flexible time to read the whole resume, so using keywords is encouraged worldwide. Keywords filter the compatibility of a candidate with a specific job.

The job description contains crucial terms, abilities, and achievements that we may spotlight on our resume if we properly examine it. You must bold important pieces of information on your targeted resume. In short, there must be keywords in your resume.

You may use many keywords in your resume, but ATS and recruiting managers can quickly spot ‘wordiness.’ Avoid attempting to game the management by repetition of keywords or writing them in white type. Your progress will be minimal in this way.

Create A List of Terms

Creating a list of terms can accelerate the process when you begin writing a targeted resume. You will know when to discuss a certain talent or program or demonstrate your prior expertise with any of the companies. 

Never exaggerate on a resume. A targeted resume aims to minimize extraneous data and highlight information that may relate to the employer and post.

Methods To Create A Targeted Resume

The following is a standardized method to create a targeted resume for several job advertisements:

Revise Your Resume/CV

Your resume can be completely rewritten to be tailored for certain employees. A few changes to important portions of your resume may influence how you define your abilities. 

Instead of starting from scratch for every job advertisement, you can create a master resume to amend and eliminate material. Follow the tips to make a master resume:

  • Make a comprehensive CV that lists most of your expertise, achievements, credentials, and qualifications.
  • Create a strong business description tailored to the positions you want. Of course, it will not be flawless, and you may make changes as you want
  • If necessary, do some research and add industry-specific phrases to your resume. Include important industry phrases that are appropriate to the kinds of positions you are looking for

Reviewing your summary includes the following step-wise reviews:

Review Job Description

The initial step is to thoroughly read the job description to ensure that the role fits you. Choose which traits and abilities to highlight on your CV. Let’s look at an example of the job description of a restaurant manager below.

The duties of the post of restaurant manager are as follows:

  • Coordinate day-to-day customer service 
  • Deliver top-notch service to ensure complete client satisfaction 
  • Manage and coordinate shifts
  • Check the product quality frequently, and look into new suppliers
  • Make sure that the rules for safety and cleanliness are followed
  • Give suggestions about how to reach a larger number of people 

And many more! Now check the criteria and requirements to be a restaurant manager:

  • A history of success in a job as a restaurant manager, vice manager at a restaurant, or a comparable position with proven management experience with the customers
  • A thorough understanding of food and drink must be able to memorize the ingredients to instruct staff and diners.
  • Should have done BBA and know about managing business very well

Revise Resume Title

What should be the title of the resume according to the above job description? Of course, ‘Restaurant Manager’ would be its title. There you go. Whether you have previously worked as a chef or a marquee manager, the title here will be used as a restaurant manager.

Always use the title that the employer has chosen for the position. The recruiter can quickly identify the position if you use the title from the job description. 

Customize Personal Summary

A professional summary, often a resume, is a short story about your career history. It displays your professional achievements as well as your most important abilities. 

It should demonstrate why you consider yourself an ideal competitor for the position. Thus, it has to be customized for that particular purpose. Add achievements and abilities that closely respond to the job description. 

Use a Targeted Skills Section

Compare your talents to those listed in the job description. Incorporate 12-15 abilities on your CV. Following are the relevant talents that must be listed if you are going to apply for a restaurant manager:

  • Leading all the restaurant eves, cash management, resolving conflicts, and negotiating
  • technical skills and proficiencies, digital marketing, etc

Include Relevant Work Experience

Another element of your resume that must be specifically targeted to the position you are looking for is your work experience. Refer to the job description once again! 

Find the crucial details in the job description chapter that correspond to the duties and achievements from your prior employment. Put these requirements at the forefront of each position in your resume.

Match The Job Posting

Review your CV after looking over the job description. Add expertise, qualification, and skills to your resume’s summary section. Your skills must be relevant to the job advertisement.

Tweak The Experience Section

Like a standard resume, include your experience in reverse sequential order. Make sure your duties align with the job description. 

Add More Sections If Needed

Other resume sections are an excellent area to highlight any extra credentials, abilities, or achievements you have. These potions must be more customized and targeted. Otherwise, this section will appear unneeded.

Suppose you are going to apply for a restaurant manager. In that case, you can involve your work as a worker for a charitable cause that manages food or for a group that offers cuisine classes in the community. Always remember that the data you put on your CV should only assist you in landing a job appointment.

Write a Custom Resume

Editing your targeted resume sample to make sure that it best matches the standards of the job advertisement is another way to make it more unique. Add the search terms from the job description to your resume. 

Include the following information for each part of your target resume:

  • Title: The position you are applying for
  • Overview Or Profile: The knowledge and expertise are necessary or recommended
  • Experience: The obligations or tasks that you must carry out for your recruiter
  • Education: The level of instruction or education that the recruiters prefer 

Tailoring Your Cover Letter & Email

Once you have prepared your customized resume, drafting a cover letter to go with it should be simple. Following are the ways by which you can personalize your cover letter:

  • Begin by greeting recruiting manager by name
  • Begin with a strong narrative and explain your enthusiasm for the job
  • Provide a strong sample of your CV demonstrating your ideal match for the job
  • Using all the related keywords of the job’s description, provide your most significant and relevant features
  • Finish the cover letter with a request for a session to talk deeper

You will only need a little time to finish writing your cover letter. It goes without saying that tailoring extends beyond your resume. You adopted your resume to the job description and may do the same with your email and cover letter. You can elaborate further: 

Customize For The Company

A cover letter is the greatest place to customize for the business. What does that imply? Create a personalized cover letter for a company as follows:

  • Find out who the firm enrolls by doing some research. For instance, do they enjoy having fun and displaying energy, or are they career-focused?
  • Recognize the company’s principles, from public service to its position on maternity pay
  • Analyze the “About Us” page or the environment of that company. Check to see if you’ll ever fit or adapt to these surroundings.

This research will be helpful during your interview; write a cover letter highlighting any key aspects you have discovered. 

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Customize For The Hiring Manager

Nobody enjoys receiving emails with the subject ‘to whom it may concern.’ The recruiters immediately dismiss it as unimportant. Always mention the HR manager with a name while writing a cover letter or any email.

You might also include a footnote or extra phrase in your cover letter to convey anything specific to the HR manager. 

Once again, underline the talents that fit the requirements for the position. You must demonstrate your qualifications to the recruiting manager. After studying an outstanding cover letter from HR managers, you’ll receive an interview call.

Examples Of A Targeted Resume

Check out the following targeted resume examples.

Resume With A Headline

Describe your qualifications in your resume’s headline. You can use a headline to emphasize your greatest skills and qualifications. The headline appears next to your contact details. It’s like your resume biography or objective.

Let’s have a look on example below:

James Charles
Data Scientist
James.Ch@email.com (imaginary email)

A kind Data Expert holding 5 awards with 7 years of experience at XY company.

Look! The headline is quite short and soft. Just mention your skills and qualification in a short sentence.

It is the first and foremost thing that a recruiter will notice while reviewing your request as it is in front of your application. It is a good chance to quickly argue your point for running.

Resume With A Headline And Profile

Giving the recruiter a headline with a profile will provide them more insight into explaining you as a good fit for the job. Together, the headline and Profile accomplish numerous crucial goals:

  • Make sure the employers focus on your talents, expertise, and credentials.
  • Don’t forget to add keywords so that it becomes easy for ATS to review your CV, filter yours as a beginner and send it to the employer if you are eligible
  • Display your knowledge about the crucial aspects of the job. Create a unique resume for jobs every time. Your headline and Profile must highlight your suitability for the position.

Resume With A Branding Statement

A branding statement demonstrates your value to a potential employer. You may utilize it to showcase your credentials for the job, just like with all sorts of resumes.

An effective branding statement highlights special traits, abilities, expertise or subject-matter experience that set you apart from other applicants. Your claim should outline how you contribute to and achieve outcomes that influence the chosen industry. 

Check Out How To Write A Powerful Branding Statement – CVs & Resumés in English

Let us check the difference among these resume examples by creating a branding statement:

James Charles
Data Scientist
James.Ch@me.com (imaginary email)

A kind Data Expert holding 5 awards with 7 years of experience at XY company.

[Branding Statements]:
I was a good student but had more interest in computer subjects. So instead of taking biology, I decided to study computers. I used to analyze this subject deeply. From correcting my tutor in college to solving bigger projects regarding data in my university and XY company, I have come so far. Recently, I saw an ad from your firm showing you want a data scientist. So without thinking, I decided to invest my other energy, with 7 years of experience, into your company’s goals. I would be grateful if you give me a chance to set a level for your firm as a data scientist.

Just imagine how accurate the branding statement is. Although, it’s not a statement but a paragraph full of lines. But through this story, you are creating your own brand as a data scientist. So the recruiters will definitely talk about your interest in the job and your energetic work.

Resume With A Summary Statement

It comprises one or two short paragraphs that include your top skills for the position. You can provide details from the job description here. Including a resume summary has a lot of advantages.

The key advantage is that it makes your CV more distinctive. Recruiters frequently scan over each CV while reviewing many resumes, missing important details. You increase your chances of getting a deeper look by opening with a clear justification of your qualifications.

What should summary statement include? Let’s learn this below:

James Charles
Data Scientist
James.Ch@email.com (imaginary email)

[Summary statements]
Kind and enthusiastic data scientist with 7 years of programming experience. Aware of computer programming and coding and have quick solutions to syntax errors. Received 98% of positive reviews from customers in previous XY company.
Has been a junior data scientist for 7 years and now seeking more projects to solve to become a senior data scientist in your company. Because there is a great need in your firm. Have managing skills for juniors and know how to deal with them and be customer friendly. 

Now, observe that these 2 paragraphs are delivering the best of you. It indicates that you tried hard to be a senior data scientist in your previous firm, and now the firm you are applying for needs a senior data scientist with more than 5 years of experience. 

So how can someone imagine you are not the best fit for an interview call? It’s all done and wrapped to be a senior data scientist in this firm.


How much Job Is Hopping Too Much?

An applicant who switches jobs too frequently will only be hired by about 44% of the supervisors. Most CEOs’ surveys agreed that having six or more six jobs in 10 years is excessive. 

A history of numerous transitions is insignificant if the individual is the perfect match. Still, job-hopping has historically raised red flags for recruiters since it might be a symptom of unreliability, lack of motivation, or interpersonal difficulties.

The days of working at one place of employment for years are over. Currently, 64% of job searchers feel that changing jobs helps their businesses grow. 75% of job searchers think switching jobs is advantageous. 51% of job searchers think switching jobs is beneficial. 

What To Say If I Don’t Have any Achievements?

You might need help putting a number on the outcomes of your job. But you must know how to develop strong accomplishments for your CV independent of statistics. Sometimes, you need more of your achievements to mention. In this case, you have to do the following:

Use Empirical Information Rather Than Specific Figures Or Improved Percentages
It is OK to not have any achievements, but if you only state the lessons you may learn from your previous jobs or the appreciation you got from your former client, it will be more than enough. If you are a client, then state your success and improvement store.

This is a measurable success in maintaining the customer account’s annual sales flow. This strategy lets you stand out from your rivals even if you need more factual data.

Prove Your Knowledge By Instructing And Training Others

You provide and demonstrate your value whenever you can impart your expertise to an employer or a junior. People with formal education or training are consistently more productive than those who don’t have any.

You can teach your junior if you get a promotion. And hence, you can add this to your resume, or you can state this to the recruiter. It shows your consistency with your industry or firm. Overall, it positively impacts the people sitting in front of you.

Give Concrete Instances To Illustrate Your Soft Abilities

Are you a good teammate? On your CV, give a particular example of how you worked with coworkers, business departments, and clients to accomplish a common objective. You can therefore solve the issues.

Explain that you encountered difficulty at the office, the solution you came up with, and the results to demonstrate your point. 

Although your resume will look perfect if it has a list of achievements. Because it’s a way to connect your actions to your business’s bottom line. Even if the figures escape you, the above strategies can still make you stand out as a fit for a specific job opening in a crowded job world. 

What Should Not Be Included In A Resume?

When you are preparing your resume, you have limited space. As a result, give the information that will increase your chances of being recruited priority. Your CV should portray you as a strong candidate by excluding unwanted information for recruiters.

To increase your chances of being contracted for an interview call, don’t ever include any extra or problematic items in your resume:

Too Much Information
Only list jobs related to the post you are looking for or are required to demonstrate a particular job background. When outlining work responsibilities, keep the bullet points to 3-4 short instances, and add any talent and ability you acquired to offer context.

One Continuous Text Wall
You should reduce the material to a minimum and structure it well to enhance understanding. A well-managed and structured CV is simpler to read and focuses the recruiter’s attention on your vital talents. Hence, they can quickly determine if you are a qualified applicant.

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Inaccuracies In Grammar And Spelling
You might have to change the format and add new material every time you apply for a new job. It results in misspellings and other mistakes. Sometimes you need help figuring out any error, so take your friends, coworkers, and relatives to observe your resume once.

You can check your grammar mistakes online but remember that these mistakes shouldn’t be included in your resume. These typos have a bad impact on a hiring manager.

Should You Change Your Resume For Every Job?

It might take a long time to complete just one job resume and application. Consider the whole duration if you have to create a unique CV for each job you compete for. Congratulations! You only need to change your CV some of the time while applying to many comparable opportunities.

The positions you are applying for call for a similar qualification. The changes you make to your resume written are modest at best and virtually useless. Use a single generic resume for each position you are applying for. Save your time and headache!

A chronological CV style is the best option if you have a solid job history and a plan to stay in the same field. Hence, your contact data, followed by your previous and current positions, should be listed.

Hiring managers prefer this format since it is simple to see a candidate’s expertise.


The job descriptions of the desired positions should align with your targeted CV. To put it another way, you must create a different resume for all the job advertisements. It would be best if you created a standard resume or get it done by a certified professional resume writer.

Make a comprehensive list of your professional qualifications. These qualifications must correspond to the job posting. Add all the necessary points according to the job ad, and your targeted resume will all be ready to submit.

Do you have any queries about creating a targeted resume? Or, if you still need clarification regarding modifying your talents and expertise, we can discuss this in the discussion forum below.